For the sake of seeming perfect, we hide our imperfections like a pirate hides his gold. The unfortunate consequence to this is that we feel all alone. It's time to change that. So here is mylife-honestly. FYI: I have opinions, but I also love hearing others' opinions too. It's called learning from each other for heaven's sake. When did we stop doing that too? FYI-2: I don't swear, but I do plan on being honest. This blog isn't for the faint-hearted.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Starting a blog...

I feel like I am a late bloomer here. This is my first blog and I don't follow anyone else's, yet. And to be honest, I am starting to get a headache and feel lazy from all the time I spent creating this one. But I did it, and...I think it will be good.

I decided yesterday to start a blog. I also made the mistake of telling my 15 year old daughter. To which she promptly said, "Who would read it?" I retorted, as all moms of 15 year old daughters should limit doing, "My life is interesting." Again, she replies honestly as most 15 year olds do, "No it isn't." But I had her, I promptly said, "I could write a whole blog on just Claire." (My very precocious 7 year old daughter.) To which I got gold, "You are right," she says. I have learned to treasure hearing those words from my teen.

I do have an interesting life though. As of late, I have become not as afraid to discuss it. I am a little nervous about being so open with the blog. Who cares though?! I am so tired of trying to seem perfect. I want to get to know myself. I want to get to know others. How can we truly get to know each other if we only get to see the good side? Don't get me wrong, good sides are important. But, if that is all we show, then we even run the risk of not knowing ourselves. So here is to getting to know myself and getting to know others more. Here is mylife-honestly.

Ok, the guilt is starting to set in now, as it seems to always do. I have spent 2.5 hrs doing this. My house isn't clean. I have homework to do and bills to pay. You know what though? I feel excited and energized about having done this. I guess I can see why a lot of people do it. Well, I change that. I know why I am doing it. I realized I have far too much to say that Facebook can't contain.


  1. Congrats on your new blog! I should update mine more often but it is a lot of work. Don't feel bad if you only get to it every once in a while. Sometimes we put more pressure on ourselves than God wants us to feel...he's there to help lift our burden and sometimes we yell give my burden back. How silly is that?!

  2. LOVE that you did this! I agree, unless we are honest, we can't really face the people we really are. I heart you and am super proud of you for speaking your mind! I shall follow your blog because you are interesting and you tell Miss. 15 year's old THAT!


  3. This is great! I think blogging is a cheap form of therapy, really. Good for the soul and the mind. Quite freeing. It seems unfortunate, but those most difficult times in life seem to be the most creatively and spiritually fruitful.

  4. I think this will be great for you. I use our blog as a journal really. I've always been so bad at journaling and now I can look back and have fun reading the archives.
    Sometimes I think it is easier to get to know people this way. We can let down our guards.
